Sunday, February 19, 2017

Hero's Journey

With out big move back to Moscow getting closer, there's a lot to do, and the time is flying by. There's just 3 weeks left on my courses with Nathan, and they are going to be devoted to 2 final portfolio works (one for each class).
This is a piece based on a story I might use for my portfolio project (as well as the picture itself) - a hero journey of a teenage boy in a magical world. It is a remake of a thumbnail I did for Kalen Chock's Environment Design class I took during winter term. As it was done for my composition class assignment, I focused more on compositional side of things, and tried to keep in mind all the new info on colour and lighting. 

*The zoomed in version looks nicer 

So just to compare - the left thumbnail was done in the end of November, and even though the point of assignment was different - creating a composition with simple shapes, limited tools and clean statements - it was around the top of what I could do in terms of colour, composition and painting environments. It is simple and nice, and I still like it, but I'm very happy to see improvement 2,5 months later. It means the progress is there, and I'm on the right track!

Here's a painting done on a base of a Dreamworks layout done traditionally for their Prince of Egypt (? I might actually be wrong with this one). This week, creating a strong sense of atmosphere in the environment was out main goal, and it was a lot of fun. 

Another topic we worked through on our composition class was introducing a sense of balance and rhythm into a composition. A very useful exercise I got to know from Nathan is trying to find visual and psychological balance between any 2 objects or images. There's so many nuances to take into account, and it seems confusing in the beginning, but it gets easier with practice.

P.S. I noticed this week that working in a complete darkness with curtains closed affects the contrast and colour balance of my works a lot, hope keeping the room lighter would help going further. 


  1. В картинке слева тоже есть что-то "такое". Гораздо сильнее заметен солнечный свет, который падает только за горой. (я бы не додумалась до таких световых нюансов никогда orz)

    1. Но, конечно, вторая гораздо больше поражает стилем и детализацией. Просто хотела отметить, что первая тоже по-своему хороша :)

    2. Как бы это так сказать, первый набросок скорее получился атмосферным в большей мере случайно, а сейчас я имею представление, что и почему в нем работает, а что и почему нет. В этом я замечаю большую разницу (: Я вообще в таком восторге от преподавателя, вчера взяла еще один его курс на август как раз по environment design. Если еще буду к тому времени вести блог, буду постить работы оттуда. Может, еще получше станет получаться.
